Shrinkflation – Did my coffee cup get smaller?

7-Eleven Iced Coffee 354mL
Have you noticed your coffee cup getting smaller?

What was the last thing that you bought and you had a feeling that something was not quite right, and then you swear that the item was larger the last time you remember it?

This happened to me today as I was buying an iced coffee from 7-11 in Australia. Things just didn’t seem right. I took a second look and low and behold – the cup was actually smaller.

And if that was not all – i felt that the coffee was also weaker after my first sip. The coffee wasn’t as sharp as i remember it. The taste was a bit weaker, more milky or watery.

This is no suprise as the 7-11 iced coffee (354ml), and the standard coffee is $2 and $1 respectively. The people who are buying these coffees are price concious and with arabica beans up 60%, some thing had to give – and it wasn’t the price.

The price has increased due to supply chain issues (the same as everything else) and also the growing cycle is in a 2 year low cycle. Increased demand and reduced supply makes prices go up!

I am sure that this will not be the first instance of shrinkflation and I will post more as I notice it. The food manufacturers can be sneaky and the first thing you will look to is the price!

One good thing about this is if this shrinkflation keeps on going – then your myfitnesspal entries will actually be higher and you are consuming LESS calories. A small consolidation prize.