3 routines to start automatically and how to keep them


We only give so many f**cks per day aka cognitive effort. Here are 3 routines that you can start automatically and how to keep them.


1/ LIFX lights are a gentle alarm for waking and sleeping. Waking up in the morning with the BZZ in your ear is really sudden. Avoid this abdruptness by fading in daylight in the morning and fadoing out colour and brightness in the night.

My LIFX are set to brighten to daylight (7000k) in the morning over 30 minutes. And Darken (3000k) and decrease in brightness over 30 minutes before I need to sleep. The times are kept constant during the week.

2/ getting out of bed/ stretching and exercising

We rise to wakefullness and the first thing we do is check the time on our phone, next follows the familiar path of checking through your phone for any messages or the team score for last nights game. Before you know it 30 minutes have passed and you’re going to be late for work,

save 10 minutes of your life in the morning by removing distractions that are close. Get out of bed and start on your routine, write it down so that there is no need to think and remember what is to be done. Like a script runnning from top to bottom

3/ Create rules and plan out your week ahead.

Sounds simple but it helpes with getting your priorities in order and saving the cognitive effort at a time when you are not tired/ or distracted.


These daily routines can be expanded so that incremental progress can be made