Help yourself before you help others

Do you feel like you have the right answer? What you are doing is the correct way to go about things? That you wouldn’t do things any other way?

Well, I can tell you for a fact that you are not wrong – everyone we meet is living with ideas and theories that they think is correct and right. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it – right?

When i was younger, the idea that everyone has their own thoughts was foreign to me. As i got older, i realised that everyone is working to achieve the very best for themselfs and based upon the story they tell themselves.

Some familiar tropes that we all often hear:

  • she is out of my league, she wouldn’t go for someone like me
  • that is so dangerous, you must be crazy to attempt or have that idea
  • better settle down before its too late
  • we need to trade time for money
  • we can’t be happy until we get what we want

The natural narratives and programming that society has established restricts our ability to do what we want and funnels our actions into a narrow subset. Else, if we think in probabities – this is the normal distribution of actions to ensure a stable societ. Whether rightly or wrongly.

The mere thought that you do something outside the familiar tropes will leave you in mediocristan living a median life. That may be good for some people, but i hope it isn’t what you want.

Putting it all together – I think that things that our outside the normal distribution are going to be labelled as crazy, or weird. And we should not let others’ opinion influence our decision.

IF the decision has high upside and low downside. GO FOR IT. There is very little to lose and all to gain.