Four Wands? What does it mean for you?

Four of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Four of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

A Four in this suit is the teamwork card, often symbolized by two couples who have come together to create something profitable and enduring. Quite likely, they will create a gift for the future — a business, hospital, theater or university. They represent the founding families of the future community that will grow around their inspiration. Teamwork is the key.

It takes time to build a grand vision; and other people of ambition and talent must be attracted to it for it to fulfill its potential. What we see here is the start-up group, the founding visionaries committing their energies to designing the blueprints and laying the groundwork. This partnership is the prototype for society or any grouping where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Four of Wands Reversed Meaning

Seek stimulation from imaginative individuals to sustain your creative powers. When the Four of Wands is reversed, you may be losing touch with the needs of others; your inherent problem-solving skills could go dormant. You need stimulation and contact with creative individuals of a like mind. Consciously seek it out because it’s not going fall in your lap.

Four of Wands Advice Position

The Four of Wands in this position supports your good, productive, evolutionary ideas. Concentrate on networking: use your charisma and power to attract like-minded souls so you can significantly increase your sphere of influence — the more people you can reach, the better.

Your enthusiasm empowers your vision, which is thriving with possibilities. As you share more freely what is on your mind and in your heart, others will see themselves in your vision, so you naturally receive approval, support, assistance and abundance. In your own way, you are addressing a universal need.