WFH and not being productive? 7 benefits I discovered after cleaning my room

Are you feel productivity working from home (WFH) is down? Studies have shown that your environment severly affects your mood. Look at the two contrasting images are below, how does each of these pictures make you feel. I’m going to to provide you 8 reasons why.

Sharing Small Spaces With Your Roommates
3 Steps to Creating a Minimalist Work Space – Mono Online Shop
  1. Start the day off with a clear mind because your room is clear
  2. Easier to find things because they are not in some pile
  3. Spot problems quicker because you will notice something missing
  4. It looks good. no longer embarassed to invite people over – you could even take a photo and upload to the internet
  5. Allows you to think of ways to improve. Removal of clutter allows you an unobstructed view of the space. What stylistic items are missing? You would never know from the first picture
  6. Visually doesn’t distract Your attention is not drawn on away
  7. You feel in control. All the items tossed on the ground gives you a sense that life if taking hold. A clean room means that you have taken control