3 imagery visualisation techniques i used to supercharge my life

Visualization Techniques for Athletes

1/ Imagining the finer details. Say you had a thought about chocolate. If you quickly dismiss the idea – it quickly gets forgotten. But say you start imaging the finer details of the cake. It served on a white plate, perfectly cut, with a nice crisp top layer of icing, the waif of choclate in the air. Then you will definitely start to crave Chocolate cake.

This can be used as mental rehearsal focusing on the specific stages and correct technique. A trampolinist may mentally rehearse a backward somersault before performing the move.

2/ Repeating true statements Rather than focusing on what you are good at, repeat statements that you know are true. This is chunking it down and giving you a leg to stand on. For example “I am enough”, “there is something i want to tell her”, etc

3/ Imagining picture the successul situation as a result of your performance. You are imagining the specific details that change your belief and inspire you to perform. Through imagery, the performer may recreate a good past performance or may ‘make up’ a positive new experience, for example before taking a penalty a footballer might picture the ball hitting the back of the net