The 8 imbalances in your life


We are living in an environment which our body did not involve from. Our lives suffer from the difference between what we do and what our bodies are evolved to do. Technology change has far outpaced our bodies physical change. Here I will give your 8 imvalances that you may not realise in your life.


1/ Sitting down all day long

Micro – We go to work and sit down 8hrs of the day when our ancestors used to spend hours walking, rest and more walk. We end up with tight hamstrings, weak hip flexors and abs.

You need to stand more, take breaks from sitting and stretch to solve this imbalance.

Macro – Sitting down means being indoors. This takes away our connection with nature and cuts down on our vitamin D levels.

You need to go to the park or away from the cities and travel through nature and the sun. 

2/ Embracing conflict

Conflict is a part of our lives and how we navigate sets our path.

Stand your ground and fight for your beliefs and ideas.

3/ Lack of physical touch

Look at chimpanzees and observe touch there is in with the family. We lose our physical sensations with computers and forget the impact touch is on our being.

That means more hugging, wrestling and working with tools.

4/ The lack of reward for food

All animals scavenge or hunt for their food. A habit is formed where work results in food, which is pleasureable. We obey the social conventions of meals times created during the industrial revolution (mandatory breaks).  Our knowledge work need not obey and should eat only when a task is done.

Create a timing window to break and eat only when the morning task is finished. 

5/ brain processing information constantly

Our brains are always on and there are active times (new, uncertain areas) vs quiet times (familiar, repetitive). The internet media today hijacks our brain to view short clips and ads to hit our brains with dopamine.

Limit light information and focus on making decisions based upon thorough research of a topic. Moments absent of new and novel information (consumption), and moments thinking (creation). 

6/ Eating all the time / the tilt to pleasure

Food was not always available all the time. Our body and mind evolved to survive through lean periods.

Fast in the morning

7/ You are the mental point of origin. 

With the internet age, life barriers are removed and we see how other people live. We are connected with 6 billion people on the world and compare ourselves with the 1 precenters – 60 million people. That is only the living.

If we compare ourselves to the whole of human life, wherever you live, you are still in the top 1% of all humans that ever lived.

Look at yourself and compare yourself to yesterday. 

8/ Finding out new things on your own

Everything that you wish to get good at is not available on youtube.

Make your own decisions, and make mistakes. Live life


Work against these imbalances and you will leave a better life.