Save your brain for the important things – 3 things where i waste my cognitive effort


We make decisions during the day and do not realise the snowballing effect this has on our mind. We only have so many f**cks to give during a day and we withdraw one with each decision. When our balance reaches zero, we watch mindless tv.

In this blogpost I will share 3 items in my life where I have a cognitive effort leak.


1/ deciding what to eat for dinner

Should I have Japanese? Thai? Irrelevant decisions. My decision making tree shall thus be based upon price and nutrition. The deault will be Thai food > Vietnamese > Chinese. Protein I can consume from other sources.

2/ Sticking to my schedule

I have organised my schedule in advance with a few time gaps. Instead of adjusting the schedule day-day, include only items that are important to me and i must adhere to.

3/ Worrying about things that I cannot change (other people)

News as an information source has no value. We watch the news everyday to stay informed but we make no decisions based upon it. Our lives would still continue if we missed a news edition.

I have blocked the because the information provided is sensationalised with items copied straight from reddit. I realised that the news only provides feelings of fear, insecurity or concern.

I second guess myself and make decisions based on how the other person should feel or react. This is the wrong way to play as it forces you into indecision and second guessing. I linken it to playing 13 – Play the cards you are dealt and let the other person react.

My identity is that of a confident man who is open to new experience and this may include losses or setbacks. It is irrational to believe that no one has setbacks or demons of their own. Everyone has their fears and insecurrities.


I can improve in these areas in my life and will continue to do so. Next November will be a different time in my life.