I applied Jordan Person’s 12 Rules for life and the results suprised me

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The title 12 rules for life sounds like something that you should already know – rules that you’re father would have taught you when you’re growing up. However, my father was no clinical psychologist like Jordan Person is, so I thought it would be interesting to see what rules he presents.

I read the book and here is my take on the rules.

“Stand up straight with your shoulders back” I took this as meaning to be confident, and this really helped me feel better. I never had a rule to tell me always be confident – so this rule allowed me to get outside of my own head and start doing what I wanted with facing the consequences later.

“Treat yourself like you are responsible for helping” I give advice to my brothers for what was best – but in my own life things were not going so well. I would tell my friends to do something that I was afraid of doing myself. Often times I catch myself and use this rule to work towards my goal

“Make friends with people who want the best for you” I think a big part of this is listening to your friends as well – because if you do not listen then for them – what is the point. This rule sets forth that you really can’t be having negative nancies always in your life. Once you are an adult it is you who chooses to hand out with

Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with someone else is today” This made it easier to manage my growth as my mantra is now to be better than yesterday. What can I improve today that makes me better than yesterday.

“Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them” I have no children so could not apply this rule

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world” I feel that this rule is related to Stephen Comeys 7 Habits of highly effective people – there is no point to waste time worrying about things that you cannot effectively change. So just leave it and work on things that you can. I have been doing this and trying not to read the news or talk about stuff that I have no interest in.

“Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)” The world is full of distractions and I am trying to focus on what is important. The apps like news,youtube, instagram, twitter all have algorithms designed to keep you on the screen. I have recognised this and tried to restrict myself on these platforms.

“Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie” I never lie so this was an easy rule to follow.

“Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t” I’ve been trying to keep a more open mind and not be instantly dismissive

“Be precise in your speech” I am using this in my own internal speech to stop behaving so irrationally. I need to verbalise or see what I am doing in the present moment and how does this assist me in reaching my goals.

“Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding” This rule is related to child-rearing which I am not doign yet

“Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street” Life is short, it is monotonous, with much pain and suffering. Enjoy the little things throughout the day

To conclude, the rules set forth in this book really give a different perspective and made me look at my life in a different way. I think it is a great way to verbalise habits that we grow up accustomed to and see as normal. If you consider that your life isn’t normal then the rules set forth in this book can serve as a baseline as you go through life. Buy it from Amazon here 12 Rules for Life