3 fundamental habits to kickstart your life


I will share with you today 3 fundamental (foundation) habits which forms the basis of your life and evolution.


1/ Getting up, cleaning the room and making the bed

Get out of bed to start your day. Your first habit will be to tidy up the room in whatever state you left it in last night. This will remind you of the previous night. If this was unproductive work then you will find yourself thinking about it and the fact that you need to hustle.

Your mind will follow your room – clean and ready to start the day. The activity juices are already flowing because you already took action. You can now proceed to add on extra habits.

2/ Fasting until lunch time

Before we take lunch we should sit down and see how morning is going and plan the rest of the day. This breaks up our day into two parts (or three if you count going home after work). We continually react rather than planning our day. This partitions your time into smaller blocks which can increase your productivity.

3/ Brushing your teeth in the pm at the certain time

We all already have the brushing teeth habit. This should be done at a set time (9.30pm) and then can be used as the going to sleep iniation habit. Which means that your computer should be off and you are getting ready to sleep. Some light reading may be in order before you start to sleep.


These 3 habits will kickstart your chain to progressively improve your life. You will find it easier to do what you always wanted to do by doing these three things daily.

Do other activities, your diminishing returns from reading


I enjoy reading about intersexual dynamics but i feel that i’m listening to the same familiar tropes and ideas again and again. My experience relating ot this information has not changed.

I believe that re-reading is important as you re-interperet the words with additional information, granting you a new perspective. Continual reading is like learning to ride a bike, without trying first. The feedback from taking the first step, gives you feedback to correct.


What i need to do is:

  1. Approach and calibrate. If I see then I will share with them. This information will bring them joy. I need nothing to come out of it.
  2. Start to be more positive, think of yourself as a latino cassanova, it is part of your identity and will be reflected in your grame.
  3. Same thing with biz. Start and then calibrate. You never know where it will take you


Spend more time doing the marketing side; instagram and interesting fashion and that will contribute to the value.

The 8 imbalances in your life


We are living in an environment which our body did not involve from. Our lives suffer from the difference between what we do and what our bodies are evolved to do. Technology change has far outpaced our bodies physical change. Here I will give your 8 imvalances that you may not realise in your life.


1/ Sitting down all day long

Micro – We go to work and sit down 8hrs of the day when our ancestors used to spend hours walking, rest and more walk. We end up with tight hamstrings, weak hip flexors and abs.

You need to stand more, take breaks from sitting and stretch to solve this imbalance.

Macro – Sitting down means being indoors. This takes away our connection with nature and cuts down on our vitamin D levels.

You need to go to the park or away from the cities and travel through nature and the sun. 

2/ Embracing conflict

Conflict is a part of our lives and how we navigate sets our path.

Stand your ground and fight for your beliefs and ideas.

3/ Lack of physical touch

Look at chimpanzees and observe touch there is in with the family. We lose our physical sensations with computers and forget the impact touch is on our being.

That means more hugging, wrestling and working with tools.

4/ The lack of reward for food

All animals scavenge or hunt for their food. A habit is formed where work results in food, which is pleasureable. We obey the social conventions of meals times created during the industrial revolution (mandatory breaks).  Our knowledge work need not obey and should eat only when a task is done.

Create a timing window to break and eat only when the morning task is finished. 

5/ brain processing information constantly

Our brains are always on and there are active times (new, uncertain areas) vs quiet times (familiar, repetitive). The internet media today hijacks our brain to view short clips and ads to hit our brains with dopamine.

Limit light information and focus on making decisions based upon thorough research of a topic. Moments absent of new and novel information (consumption), and moments thinking (creation). 

6/ Eating all the time / the tilt to pleasure

Food was not always available all the time. Our body and mind evolved to survive through lean periods.

Fast in the morning

7/ You are the mental point of origin. 

With the internet age, life barriers are removed and we see how other people live. We are connected with 6 billion people on the world and compare ourselves with the 1 precenters – 60 million people. That is only the living.

If we compare ourselves to the whole of human life, wherever you live, you are still in the top 1% of all humans that ever lived.

Look at yourself and compare yourself to yesterday. 

8/ Finding out new things on your own

Everything that you wish to get good at is not available on youtube.

Make your own decisions, and make mistakes. Live life


Work against these imbalances and you will leave a better life.


Save your brain for the important things – 3 things where i waste my cognitive effort


We make decisions during the day and do not realise the snowballing effect this has on our mind. We only have so many f**cks to give during a day and we withdraw one with each decision. When our balance reaches zero, we watch mindless tv.

In this blogpost I will share 3 items in my life where I have a cognitive effort leak.


1/ deciding what to eat for dinner

Should I have Japanese? Thai? Irrelevant decisions. My decision making tree shall thus be based upon price and nutrition. The deault will be Thai food > Vietnamese > Chinese. Protein I can consume from other sources.

2/ Sticking to my schedule

I have organised my schedule in advance with a few time gaps. Instead of adjusting the schedule day-day, include only items that are important to me and i must adhere to.

3/ Worrying about things that I cannot change (other people)

News as an information source has no value. We watch the news everyday to stay informed but we make no decisions based upon it. Our lives would still continue if we missed a news edition.

I have blocked the news.com.au because the information provided is sensationalised with items copied straight from reddit. I realised that the news only provides feelings of fear, insecurity or concern.

I second guess myself and make decisions based on how the other person should feel or react. This is the wrong way to play as it forces you into indecision and second guessing. I linken it to playing 13 – Play the cards you are dealt and let the other person react.

My identity is that of a confident man who is open to new experience and this may include losses or setbacks. It is irrational to believe that no one has setbacks or demons of their own. Everyone has their fears and insecurrities.


I can improve in these areas in my life and will continue to do so. Next November will be a different time in my life.

3 routines to start automatically and how to keep them


We only give so many f**cks per day aka cognitive effort. Here are 3 routines that you can start automatically and how to keep them.


1/ LIFX lights are a gentle alarm for waking and sleeping. Waking up in the morning with the BZZ in your ear is really sudden. Avoid this abdruptness by fading in daylight in the morning and fadoing out colour and brightness in the night.

My LIFX are set to brighten to daylight (7000k) in the morning over 30 minutes. And Darken (3000k) and decrease in brightness over 30 minutes before I need to sleep. The times are kept constant during the week.

2/ getting out of bed/ stretching and exercising

We rise to wakefullness and the first thing we do is check the time on our phone, next follows the familiar path of checking through your phone for any messages or the team score for last nights game. Before you know it 30 minutes have passed and you’re going to be late for work,

save 10 minutes of your life in the morning by removing distractions that are close. Get out of bed and start on your routine, write it down so that there is no need to think and remember what is to be done. Like a script runnning from top to bottom

3/ Create rules and plan out your week ahead.

Sounds simple but it helpes with getting your priorities in order and saving the cognitive effort at a time when you are not tired/ or distracted.


These daily routines can be expanded so that incremental progress can be made

Sabotaging my goals – Three things that are deterimental to my self improvement


I realise that there are things which are detrimental to my self improvement journey that I keep on doing. Like the person who still lights up even though he has seen the pictures on the packets and on TV. In this post I will write about three that i struggle with.


1. Taking care of my ego 

I have a visualisation in my mind that I am a particular person, one who is experienced and is all knowing. I have a set of self-beliefs that make up my identity. Thus I am avoiding tasks which can put this self beliefs into question and what happens is that i avoid these tasks.

The matter is to revise my self intentity to provide qualities rather than labels. I am not an engineer but someone who likes to organise. My self-worth/identity is not tied to whether I am successful or not in my endeavours.

This is most applicable in job searching and my relationships. I am who I am and it is up to the other person to determine whether we match. Not my deciding, and rejecting from the get go.

2. Being in a conductive environment and people where the goals are the same

Always spending time in the buffet/kitchen will eventually make you fat. The environment signals to your mind, this is the routine that shall be processed. Your mind does not select the exercise routine whilst in a buffet. Thus, don’t go to an environment where people are drinking/eating or discussing about stupid stuff.

Spend time with people who you value their opinions and add value to your own life rather those that only take and are comfortable and content in their lives. They are not anti-fragile.

3. Spending cognitive effort on things that matter less

Everytime I go shopping it becomes a time sink because I look for the best, most suitable, cheapest item. However, i always disregard the opportunity cost in looking for that deal. This is my habit.

I need make a list of what i need to purchase and the price, and then go forth. Rather than mindlessly wandering sites to see what looks good or what is on sale.


I have recognised three things that work against me. I will revisit this post in 3 months time to see whether I progress.