What does the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card mean?

Tales of the Tarot: Chapter 10 - The Wheel of Fortune ...

Wheel of Fortune Upright

Cyclical change is upon you. The wheel keeps on rolling, churning events in a ceaseless progression of ups and downs, either way freeing us from the past. No one can escape the cycle, which can feel somewhat terrifying — no matter whether we are rising or falling. When one is balanced on top of the wheel, there is a moment of crystal clarity. However, there is one part of the wheel that does not move up or down, the hub, which represents your eternal self.

Every one of us will experience each of the points on the wheel at one time or another. The cycle of the wheel is its lesson — and we can learn to take comfort in it. If you don’t like the look of things right now, just wait — things will change. Of course, if you do like the look of things right now, enjoy it while it lasts, because that will change too!

Wheel of Fortune Reversed Meaning

When the Wheel of Fortune card is reversed, it suggests that you may have dropped from the heights and havereturned to the beginning — to either start over or reframe your plan.

This may feel as if you have hit bottom and what came before is a waste of time, but think of it as a chance to renew yourself and chart a new path that will help you rise from the ashes. You will be a more compassionate and wise person. In the future, you might want to temper your aspirations.

Wheel of Fortune Advice Position

The Wheel of Fortune advises you follow the flow of events. Physical moves, spiritual awakenings, or dramatically changing social patterns could arise now. Accept these transformations.

This is a safe place for you to be. You are watched over and protected as you go round and round the wheel. You will learn a lot. You will also learn it quickly, and what you absorb will benefit you for a long time to come.

The fourth turning is upon us.