Is learning Spanish easy?

Previously learning mandarin – and every year it is with the aim to be conversationally fluent. Every year – the goal is not reached. It is now a time to give up and try something else. Learning Chinese for me is not enjoyable and there is no cultural benefits to be gained.

The prospect of being able to communicate for business or for relationship is looking ever so unlikely. Therefore, I think it is time to take a break for learning chinese.

From the start of last week the goal is to become conversational fluent in Spanish. Now according to the Foreign service institute – who rank language learning easyness based on their similarity to English – Spanish is Category 1 with just 600hours required. Mandarin on the other hand is 2200 hours – nearly four times as much!

The plan is to use Duolingo/Pimsleur to build a base, and then from there transition to italki.

  • You can ask simple questions using interrogative words and answer them using complete sentences.
  • You can listen to an audio recording in Spanish, understand its content, and answer questions about it.
  • You can recite the numbers one through 100 and use them in daily contexts.
  • You can describe yourself — both your physical attributes and personality traits.
  • You can talk about what you like to do and don’t like to do.
  • You can talk about your family — detailing their ages, names, professions, and other details.