How to cook tender and juicy chicken breasts. Don’t compromise with dry chicken breasts again

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It’s been a hard day at the gym and you need to get the protein into the body to grow. The best and cheapest way to do this – chicken breast. Chicken breast the staple for gym rats, health afficionado, paleo, carnivore. We have invented all ways to cook the chicken breast so it is paleatable to us and not turn out bland or dry – cutting into thin slices, pounding, adding seasoning, dipping into sauce and deep frying.

However, the fundamental problem remains – chicken is horrifying to handle and the breast is just too dam thick! Everytime we cook as a whole breast the chicken ends up being too dry on the outside or not moist on the inside. We cringe at every bite of chicken breast, comforted in the fact that it is essential to growing muscle. Kind of like going to the dentist is neccessary to have clean teeth. A neccessary evil.

What if there was another to cook chicken breast? One that does not add any fats, minimalises chicken juice handling, and ensures that the chicken is tender. Sous Vide has entered the room.

Sous vide is a fairly recent invention (this is why your noona might not have taught you it). It all started in the mid 1960s and started gaining popularity in the 1990s with equipment. Still – the equipment was fairly expensive and finding information about sous vide back in the day was fairly hard.

However, with China being the world’s factory and the obliquity of the internet – Sous vide information has never been more available, and cooking with it never been so cheap!

Normal cooking is the application of heat from one external source (usually burner, induction) and the heat is not regulated. That is, we do not maintain a constant temperature. It starts cold, warms up and then gets too hot! That is why we need to adjust the heat settings. What this causes is the outside of the chicken to be cooked first and the inside then to be left raw.

Now we don’t want to eat any raw chicken so we need to let that heat travel to the middle. But the outside is ALREADY COOKED! So we end up cooking the outside of the breast even more and hence it becomes dry.

Pounding or Slicing Chicken Breasts for Perfect Even Cooking

Sous vide cooking is characterized by low-temperature cooking, a longer period of cooking than conventional cooking, a container (such as a plastic bag) that separates the food from its heating environment, and pressurized enclosure using full or partial vacuum.

The use of temperatures much lower than those used for conventional cooking is an essential feature of sous vide, resulting in much higher succulence at these lower temperatures, as cell walls in plant-based food do not burst. In the case of meat cooking, tough collagen in connective tissue can be hydrolysed into gelatin, without heating the meat’s proteins high enough that they denature to a degree that the texture toughens and moisture is wrung out of the meat.

How to Sous Vide Chicken Breasts in an A/S Cook&Hold Recipe - Snapguide
Juicy whole chicken breast

Highly recommend getting a sous vide machine. You can get one here for as little as $219 at amazon Anova Sous Vide Cooker. You probably eat chicken every week so for less than 1 dollar a day you can get juicy chicken breast!

Life is short

Emily's Care and Health Spot: Free Meditation Classes ...

There are many ways to view life and i think looking on the bright side is always the better option. Asymetry.

We always have a dialogue within ourselves and impose our thoughts on other people and not by overtly critical. Life is not perfect and we are overly critical of others. Instead I should be focusing on what is good – not what is bad. This will change my mental outlook when I am speaking to people because of my solipsism i think they are also critical of me.

We cannot control people’s reaction so it is better to man and disrupt their frame.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona Film Locations

In the film Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), Javier Bardem’s Character “Life is short, Life is dull, life is full of pain and this is a chance for something special”

This is another way of phrasing YOLO, but notice that this frame makes you feel a whole lot more spiritual and I think would have a higher chance of success. Javier personifies is the confident artistic charasmatic archetype that is different from the cookie-cutter corporate drones. He is seen as warm and passionate.

We compare this frame to that of logical reasoning – “We should try all things in life so why not.” Notice how this sentence is not persuasive at all. Cold logical reasoning does not sell. We can see this with Vicky’s rebuttal.

I also notice rewatching the clip is to share inspiration, joy and not focus on the bad feelings. “ll show you around the city and we will eat well. we’ll drink good wine and we’ll make love”

10 min yoga flow to improve flexibility

20 Minutes yoga workout for body flexibility and ...

Shoulders hunched over the rectuangular slab, arms and hands in a forward position with the chair stuck to the bums, the hum of the air conditioner in the distance. We have gone far form our roots browsing the African Savanah looking for food. However, our bodies have not.

Sitting for 10 hours per day (8hrs at work and possible 1hr each way on public transport) is not what out ancestors did in the past. It would be 10hrs per day walking with the rest sitting.

pain Archives - Acorn Health

What happens when we sit is our hip flexors get tight because they are in a shortened position when sitting. And our abs are no longer used and hence become weak.

Why Poor Glute and Core Activation/Strength Could Be ...

Based on this video I have introduced a 10 minute yoga flow to improve flexibility. I am using this video as a start and describing the Asana (body posture)

  1. Standing forward fold
  2. Long lunge
  3. Plank
  4. Chaturanga
  5. Cobra
  6. Child pose
  7. Down Dog
  8. Long Lunge
  9. Standing forward fold
  10. Standing Lengthening

If you want to know more about fixing tight muscles – have a read of the excellent book Becoming a Supple Leopard by Dr Kelly Starrett.

Technique - Hip Flexors - We Move Saskatchewan