My Top 3 Sci-fi books (worlds)

I am a big fan of sci-fi books and it provides a glimpse of the world that could be. However, as I learn more about the current world – sci-fi books should be considered fantasy with a futurastic setting. Some of these books seem plausible at first glance but when you consider the worlds – highly improbable.

  1. Dune
  2. Enders Game
  3. The Expanse

I applied Jordan Person’s 12 Rules for life and the results suprised me

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The title 12 rules for life sounds like something that you should already know – rules that you’re father would have taught you when you’re growing up. However, my father was no clinical psychologist like Jordan Person is, so I thought it would be interesting to see what rules he presents.

I read the book and here is my take on the rules.

“Stand up straight with your shoulders back” I took this as meaning to be confident, and this really helped me feel better. I never had a rule to tell me always be confident – so this rule allowed me to get outside of my own head and start doing what I wanted with facing the consequences later.

“Treat yourself like you are responsible for helping” I give advice to my brothers for what was best – but in my own life things were not going so well. I would tell my friends to do something that I was afraid of doing myself. Often times I catch myself and use this rule to work towards my goal

“Make friends with people who want the best for you” I think a big part of this is listening to your friends as well – because if you do not listen then for them – what is the point. This rule sets forth that you really can’t be having negative nancies always in your life. Once you are an adult it is you who chooses to hand out with

Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with someone else is today” This made it easier to manage my growth as my mantra is now to be better than yesterday. What can I improve today that makes me better than yesterday.

“Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them” I have no children so could not apply this rule

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world” I feel that this rule is related to Stephen Comeys 7 Habits of highly effective people – there is no point to waste time worrying about things that you cannot effectively change. So just leave it and work on things that you can. I have been doing this and trying not to read the news or talk about stuff that I have no interest in.

“Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)” The world is full of distractions and I am trying to focus on what is important. The apps like news,youtube, instagram, twitter all have algorithms designed to keep you on the screen. I have recognised this and tried to restrict myself on these platforms.

“Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie” I never lie so this was an easy rule to follow.

“Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t” I’ve been trying to keep a more open mind and not be instantly dismissive

“Be precise in your speech” I am using this in my own internal speech to stop behaving so irrationally. I need to verbalise or see what I am doing in the present moment and how does this assist me in reaching my goals.

“Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding” This rule is related to child-rearing which I am not doign yet

“Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street” Life is short, it is monotonous, with much pain and suffering. Enjoy the little things throughout the day

To conclude, the rules set forth in this book really give a different perspective and made me look at my life in a different way. I think it is a great way to verbalise habits that we grow up accustomed to and see as normal. If you consider that your life isn’t normal then the rules set forth in this book can serve as a baseline as you go through life. Buy it from Amazon here 12 Rules for Life

Gary Halbert’s 30 Day Copywriting challenge

We do not realise, but alot of our interactions day-day involve selling. I will be doing the copywriting challenge until Christmas (Starting today on the 23rd). I will document how this goes and what i found really useful.

Scientific Advertising” by Claude Hopkins here
Short Kindle is available above. The book is short and straight to the point. Finished this Day 1 & 2.

My biggest takeaway – imagine that the advertistement was a salesman, is he doing his job and could he door knock and sell the item?
The Robert Collier Letter Book” by Robert collier
Days 3 to 7. This book contains many mail-in letters by Robert Collier. I would like these to unsolicited emails. With only the title of the email being read.
Tested Advertising Methods” by John Caples
Days 7 to 14. This provides additional details on HOW to right copy. It explains the use of basic language, focus on the reader and provide relevant pictures as a basis to prepare copy that sells.
How To Write A Good Advertisement” by Vic Schwab
“The Gary Halbert Letter” (all back issues)
The Boron Letters” by Gary Halbert
The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches” by Joe Karbo
Break-Through Advertising” by Eugene M. Schwartz
“7-Steps To Freedom” by Ben Suarez

Expose yourself and get a grasp of copywriting by reading books.

Update 16 December. Completed Tested advertising methods by John Caples

Is Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules of Life really an antidote to chaos?

I will share with you my findings from reading this book and whether you should buy it as well.

  1. “Stand up straight with your shoulders back” – Be confident, there no upside for being timid. As always don’t let your ego get in the way, if you don’t know something always ask.
  2. “Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping” We tend to dissassociate ourselves when looking out for the best. We can smoke, but god forbid our children do. It is easier on our subconcious to want the best for others because it there is no extra work for you.
  3. “Make friends with people who want the best for you” We are the average of the 5 people we hang out with. If you are with people who only drink and put you down your hustle will go down and your confidence.
  4. “Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today” We all go through different journeys and have compounded different risks. It makes no sense to compare ourselves to others beause they have a lifetime of habit taking – or risk payoffs. Also there are details under the skin which we do not see. The best person to compare with is yourself.
  5. “Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them” I have not seen this rule anywhere before and the premise is that you are responsibile for raising your children. So raise them in a manner where you will like them.
  6. “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world” We sit on our computer and our voices can be heard miles away. What we want is listeners – but action. Tidying up your room/house is the frist step in changing your life. .
  7. “Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)” The hardest things are often not the easiest
  8. “Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie” Do not treat others how you would not like to be treated. i.e. If you don’t like being lied to – don’t lie to others.
  9. “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t” Keep an open mind and that the person talking has a different viewpoint which can add to your own. We can never change anyones mind only – add more information
  10. “Be precise in your speech” Broad speaking has a time and place – However, when solving a problem we need to define it. Otherwise we get scope creep, etc.
  11. “Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding” The title is a bit misleading but Jordan talks about it here. I like to view this one with two meanings. The first meaning is to let boys be boys. That is let them experiment and try new things. And the second meaning is to be antifragile. If boys don’t try things when they are young, when will they?
  12. “Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street”. Life is short, there is much pain and suffering. Enjoy the little thngs throughout the day.

I thought this was an interesting book with applicable knowledge. You can get it from Amazon here.

Book Review – Undying Mecenaries series

I listened to all the audiobooks of this series and provide you with a review. I enjoyed the books enough that I purchased the whole series.

The story of McGill is interesting and each of the book advances the story. The books are formulaic with a different ‘enemy’ or in this case planet in each of the books.

I felt the books was more of a fantasy with sci fi elements mixed in.

Some thoughts:

  • One of the main themes of the book is the protaganist and his relationship with women. He is a ‘ladies’man we are told and they just can’t keep it to themselves. Expect a lot of sexual refernces and descriptions of how a particular girl was cute. I suspect this is for the mostly male readers…
  • The book is all from the point of view of McGill with little backstory of other characters. Graves – what is his motivations? What drives a man to serve for hundreds of years
  • If you enjoy sci-fi where you see the effects of alien technology on human society. This is not the book for you. Seems life is the same but with better alien technology. We do not see the effect of external threats and presumably increasing militarisation
  • Dust world was an interesting book – the concept of a colony cut off from the rest of humanity and allowed to develop.

In summary, i compare this series to recent sci-fi books (the expanse series) and find very large differences in writing. The expanse provides development of other characters and also includes political machinations.



My Book review – The Lost Fleet series

After listening to entire audiobook series, I would rate the series 3/5.

The book is an okay space opera/ sci-fi / military adventure. The story is simple, and original enough to read / listen to. It is entertaining enough that I bought every audiobook and listen to them .

The stories are fairly simple and keep on coming back to the same themes:

  • Travel in space until we need encounter battle. There are numerous space battles – all under different scenarios to keep things fresh.
  • The messiah prophecy – and Jack not being Black Jack. His re-iteration of the fact is repeated many times through the book.
  • The protaganist is incredible boring. A straight-nosed commander who is so honourable all he does is work. We learn nothing about his previous life and motivations besides duty bound as the commander
  • Summarising previous events. The series spends alot of time re-explaining what already happened and providing the reason. Entire paragraphs are repeated from one book to the net. You may get a sense of deja-vu
  • Relationship with his decendents

My gripes with the series

  • Flimsy premise for the war. The war has been going on for hundreds of years and people become worse at space battles? The basic knowledge to maintain a ship is still there – yet they couldn’t keep any tactics?
  • The author explains the concepts of how space battles in the universe take place multiple times. Felt more like fluffing up the book than any real substance
  • No world building – all we know it is a collection of worlds as part of the alliance
  • Only one viewpoint for the whole book – Commander POV.