Heading into winter

Compounding is the art of building what was done yesterday.

It works both ways.

You can compound on the up 1.01 x 1.01 x 1.01 and you can compound on the way down 0.99 x 0.99 x 0.99. So the most important rule now is NOT MISS TWO DAYS IN A ROW 1.01 x 0.99 x 1.01 is the aim of the game.

Huberman suggests trying the habit for 21 days. This brings us into 4th of June – which is not too far away.

I can start these habits of creation and lose the time sinks of consuming media. It is time to create for these 21 days !

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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