What does ace of cups mean?

Ace of Cups Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Ace of Cups Upright Meaning

The suit in Tarot known as Cups is also referred to as Chalices or Hearts. It represents the emotional and psychic aspects of life — fantasy, imagination, feelings, love.

An Ace of this suit in this position generally shows a hand holding up an overflowing cup, which gives forth an endless stream of water, wine, blood or soma for the people’s refreshment and healing.

This card represents an unfailing source of balm for body, heart and soul. It suggests that you can relax into a safety net of love, support and communion.

Ace of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Ace of Cups reversed warns of a loss of your self-esteem, optimism and faith in the abundance that the universe has to offer. You should stop to examine what is causing you to lose altitude. It might be the mental food you are feeding yourself.

It could be that you are putting too much attention on the outer circumstances and not enough on the nurturing your intenal energy. Retreat and become harmonious within yourself, until you feel love and trust returning.

Reclaim your faith in the abundance of the universe. Make no moves or decisions until you have cleansed yourself of any pessimism and negativity that are haunting you at this time.

Ace of Cups Advice Position

You should challenge yourself and discover what is good about every relationship. Practice looking at the world through the eyes of the Divine. Allow your imagination to perceive the spiritual or evolutionary potential in every person and experience.

Look with the eye of a loving parent or companion upon the people and things you come into contact with. Make a conscious decision to approve of and delight in even the quirky developments that make the world turn. No one can be perfect at such unconditional acceptance. Still the practice will sweeten your day to day life. Your magnetism will increase and more loving people may enter your life. The whole world will benefit as this becomes second nature to you.

Five of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Five of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Five of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

The Five of this suit symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and a competitive urge. This could be about someone who is pushing his or her agenda forward at the expense of others.

There can be a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. It may be necessary to ask yourself, who is it that really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Am I serving a negative, manipulative agenda when I start applying battle metaphors to business? Are you thinking in a zero sum game.

Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, it is understandable to want recognition for what is fine and unique about you. However, minimize the number of egos bruised in the process or your success will be celebrated alone.

Five of Wands Reversed Meaning

When team spirit fails despite all effort, your inner strength can pull you through. When the Five of Wands is reversed there is no way to completely overcome the competitive environment; you are unable to bond with potential partners in a team spirit. You must fall back on your own sense of mission and sense of survival to provide direction.

Five of Wands Advice Position

The Five of Wands in this position encourages you to find your natural ambition. Identify what energizes you, what you would fight for and what you are passionate about — even when you’re tired or discouraged. Strive to make that the centerpiece of your mission.

This is how you find your livelihood and establish your path of service

Help yourself before you help others

Do you feel like you have the right answer? What you are doing is the correct way to go about things? That you wouldn’t do things any other way?

Well, I can tell you for a fact that you are not wrong – everyone we meet is living with ideas and theories that they think is correct and right. Otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it – right?

When i was younger, the idea that everyone has their own thoughts was foreign to me. As i got older, i realised that everyone is working to achieve the very best for themselfs and based upon the story they tell themselves.

Some familiar tropes that we all often hear:

  • she is out of my league, she wouldn’t go for someone like me
  • that is so dangerous, you must be crazy to attempt or have that idea
  • better settle down before its too late
  • we need to trade time for money
  • we can’t be happy until we get what we want

The natural narratives and programming that society has established restricts our ability to do what we want and funnels our actions into a narrow subset. Else, if we think in probabities – this is the normal distribution of actions to ensure a stable societ. Whether rightly or wrongly.

The mere thought that you do something outside the familiar tropes will leave you in mediocristan living a median life. That may be good for some people, but i hope it isn’t what you want.

Putting it all together – I think that things that our outside the normal distribution are going to be labelled as crazy, or weird. And we should not let others’ opinion influence our decision.

IF the decision has high upside and low downside. GO FOR IT. There is very little to lose and all to gain.

Four Wands? What does it mean for you?

Four of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Four of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

A Four in this suit is the teamwork card, often symbolized by two couples who have come together to create something profitable and enduring. Quite likely, they will create a gift for the future — a business, hospital, theater or university. They represent the founding families of the future community that will grow around their inspiration. Teamwork is the key.

It takes time to build a grand vision; and other people of ambition and talent must be attracted to it for it to fulfill its potential. What we see here is the start-up group, the founding visionaries committing their energies to designing the blueprints and laying the groundwork. This partnership is the prototype for society or any grouping where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Four of Wands Reversed Meaning

Seek stimulation from imaginative individuals to sustain your creative powers. When the Four of Wands is reversed, you may be losing touch with the needs of others; your inherent problem-solving skills could go dormant. You need stimulation and contact with creative individuals of a like mind. Consciously seek it out because it’s not going fall in your lap.

Four of Wands Advice Position

The Four of Wands in this position supports your good, productive, evolutionary ideas. Concentrate on networking: use your charisma and power to attract like-minded souls so you can significantly increase your sphere of influence — the more people you can reach, the better.

Your enthusiasm empowers your vision, which is thriving with possibilities. As you share more freely what is on your mind and in your heart, others will see themselves in your vision, so you naturally receive approval, support, assistance and abundance. In your own way, you are addressing a universal need.

Are two aspects of your life clashing? – Two of Wands

Two of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Two of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

The Two in this suit, often portrayed as crossed wands, show two separte energies – which may be working cross-purposes and at a deadlock.

These energies could refer to an internal split — perhaps a clash between optimistic and pessimistic parts of your psyche, for example — or another situation where you feel “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” This could be a standoff with another person or rubbing up against limitations that are currently imposed upon you.

This card points to the possibility that self-doubt is creeping upon you– the kind that arises in a situation where you feel that you are in the deep end and you may have bitten off more than one can chew.

Give yourself a moment to take in the full implications of your situation. Find your bearings again before launching back into action. Deal with real concerns now — before they become regrets!

Two of Wands Reversed Meaning

When decision-making stymies you, look within your Self for the solution. The Two of Wands reversed suggests someone who is paralysed and momentarily stuck in the process of decision making. You feel like you are in an all-too-familiar hall of mirrors, unable to recognize the real doorway amidst the many reflected images of it.

Bear in mind that your future self already knows what choice you made. When you can calm down and access the part of yourself that already knows there is a way out, your options will become clear again.

Two of Wands Advice Position

You must respect your own decision making process. Instead of criticizing yourself for indecisiveness, appreciate the various implications of possible choices. Avoid pushing yourself to make a commitment.

Keep meditating, watching the situation and witnessing the forces at work. At some point you will have enough information to see clearly. The decision-making process will be over and the choice will be clear.

What i learned from the great book thinking in bets

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't ...

After reading this book I have noted some mental models or techniques that help you in your decision making

Keeping the door ajar (90% certainty of your beliefs).

Leaving some doubt so that the idea or action can be discussed. If we invert this idea, the likelihood that you are 100% correct 100% of the time is 0. It is irrational to belive that you are 100% correct so why are we so certain of all the choices that we make?

Ulysses contract (be proactive)

A Ulysses pact or Ulysses contract is a freely made decision that is designed and intended to bind oneself in the future. … The term refers to the pact that Ulysses (Greek name Ὀδυσσεύς, Odysseus) made with his men as they approached the Sirens – He tied himself to the mast so he could avoid the beautiful song of the sirens.

10 minutes – 10 hours – 10 years (first order/ second order effects)

Put your position out from where you stand and thinking about the impacts or likelihoods then

back casting (beginning with the end in mind)

If we put ourselves in the final position and look back, do you think of how naive we were for the original idea?

pre mortem (ante)

instead of a post mortem – conduct a premorterm to determine what you have and why you have made these decisions. this will allow you to review and adjust your decision making with the benefit of hindsight.

Related books

  • thinking win- win. Story about battling with your partners. Losses of serotonin when someone ‘loses’. Change the frame
  • Sharpen the saw (cointunous improvement – habits book)

Not just another card – Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Ace of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

An Ace of this suit in this position symbolizes a pivotal act, or fateful step, that will set loose a chain of events leading toward your desired goal. It refers to a birth or new beginning, the inauguration of an endeavor, and the building of the necessary commitment to see a project or plan through. It personifies an aroused Will that is totally focused, aiming at the bulls-eye.

Ace of Wands Reversed Meaning

If this card is reversed, it suggests that you may be resisting change, which can seem frightening. Nevertheless, it is to your ultimate advantage not to balk even though the situation may seem risky.

Ace of Wands Advice Position

You are encouraged to energetic movement toward activity. Brace yourself and get ready to spring into action. You may need to make your move soon, so make sure you are fully prepared. Trust your instincts and spontaneity. When the opportunity comes, you may want to seize it without hesitation.

So quicken your senses and raise your antenna. There’s excitement in the air, and supports your immediate ambitions.

The world is your oyster. What does the world card mean for you?

The World Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

The World Upright Meaning

The World card points to the presiding wisdom which upholds life on this and all worlds. In most Tarot decks, it is a female figure that has become our standard World image. She originates in Hebrew, Gnostic, and Alchemical lore, and stands between heaven and Earth as the cosmic mother of souls, the wife of God, and our protector from the karmic forces we have set loose upon the Earth in our immaturity and ignorance.

The goddess of The World card invites us into cosmic citizenship — once we come to realize our soul’s potential for it. It announces the awakening of the soul’s immortal being, accomplished without the necessity of dying.

This card, like the Sun, is reputed to have no negative meaning no matter where or how it appears. If the Hermetic axiom is “Know Thyself”, this image represents what becomes known when the true nature of self is followed to creative freedom and its ultimate realization.

The World Reversed – no negative meaning

The World card is one of only two cards that have no reverse meaning. Nevertheless, it could indicate a slight slowdown in the flow of events or the need for more introspection as events unfold.

Practice trusting and relaxing into the nurturing support of the Great Mother Goddess, while things sort themselves out.

The World Advice Position – do what you want!

You are in place where you have permission to do whatever you want. Presently, your motivation is close to the will of the divine. Even if you commit an error, it will be turned to the greater good. Stay active and just keep moving forward.

It is unnecessary to keep checking or interrupting your spontaneity with calculation. Rather than look for consensus or affirmation from others, simply dance the dance. In other words, express yourself, react naturally, and let the chips fall where they may.

What matters is divine intention. Whether or not human beings approve is less important. If you allow your ego to inflate, however, you cease to be useful to the greater plan.

Let go of your past. The future welcomes you with a bounty of growth and change – The Jugement Card

Judgement Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

Judgement Upright Meaning

The Judgement card, sometimes called “Resurrection,” represents the great reunion that the ancients believed would happen once in every age. This was the time when souls are harvested and taken home to their place of origin, outside the solar system. Then the world is seeded with a batch of new souls and the process starts over.

From a modern point of view, this great reunion — which includes every personality that you have ever been and every soul that you have done deep work with — reunites to consciously complete the process. In a way, we symbolically celebrate this returning to center every year on our birthday.

In personal terms, the Judgment Tarot card points to freedom from your inner conflicts, and so clear a channel, that the buried talents and gifts of past incarnations can come through an individual in this lifetime. This card counsels you to trust the process of opening yourself, because what emerges is of consistently high quality. You can effortlessly manifest as a multi-dimensional being, and assist in evoking that response from others.

Judgement Reversed Meaning

The Judgment card reversed suggests that you feel like you are bumping into externally imposed restrictions, even if you thought you had let go of limitations. If that’s the case, you need to accommodate those inexplicable blockages wherever they appear, without allowing the growth force rising within you to diminish.

Like water, you will find the openings and seep through, to move past whatever has been holding you back. Keep flowing and you will succeed.

Judgement Advice

Allow yourself to grow, transform, and release hidden potentials within yourself. Divest yourself of fruitless endeavors without neglecting your duties. At the same time, invest your energies in new growth.

It’s not necessary to reject others, but refuse to be manipulated by those who cry foul. This process isn’t about them anyway. It is about you and the desire you feel to change your life and become a more complete person. Trust your impulses and allow this remarkable awakening to happen.