Life’s prescriptions – and why they limit your choices

My friends (D&L) were getting married in a church with a pastor. The pastor was saying a few things regarding the church, and referencing various passages in the bible.

An item that was of note was that he mentioned fear was the overiding reason why couples fight and that we should not be afraid of fear. That the more time people spend together, the less we can be truly open to our partners.

From a historical point of view – the teachings have been used for hundreds of years and should likely continue working. It has been proven to be anti-fragile. However, we need to take note that the environment has changed, and what once worked – eg. farming may not work anymore. Due to technlogy and laws the relationship between men and women is now different.

Since we have limited our ability to edit this document, and only change our interpretation. We have a limit of big a leap we can take with these words. These prescriptions provide a path for couples to navigate (provide instructions) which may limit potential options in today’s age.

Things that i have an alternate viewpoint

  • thinking win/loss in the relationship. We should always reframe as looking for the truth and trying to solve win/win
  • the perception that the relationships are difficult and that we need to whether through the valley of conflict. We must recognise the nature of women and look to/and convince her that she is the best man for her. That means keeping in shape, fashion and always be showing your strong side. Showing the motions aka weakness only reinforces the point home to the female partner that she can do better
  • body languague tells alot. There was a kissing game where the host brought out another couple. The man looked to it as an opportunity to get some ‘action’ whilst the female did not want to practicipate. only peer pressure was able to bring her up, and then after they were kissing – telling that she pushed his face out of the way when it got too cringe for her.
  • when i read the vowels with my wife will i be quoting Naval – from the book of naval
    • looking to play long term games with quality people
    • the difficulty is staying together thick and thin, and aim to raise a family long term
    • always look to provide win win
    • prescription that i was a player and that i finally found the one and look to settle down
    • awkward and timid in the beginning and now working to full confidence with no fear of social thoughts

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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