Feng Shui – locate your bed in the proper place

Is your health or relationship suffering? It might have to do with your bedroom layout. 

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system that aligns the energy from your environment with your own. Misplaced pieces of furniture, although functional, can block the flow of energy and affect your health and relationships.

  • Place your bed in commanding position, or correct it with a mirror

The entry point of energy for the room is your door, so you want to locate your bed so that when you’re lying in bed, you can see that door. However, you don’t want to be directly in line with the door either and blocking the rest of the energy flow through the room. A good rule of thumb is to place the bed diagonal from the door.

There are many cases in which this is not possible due to the room size. There’s still hope! If you can’t be in the commanding position, you can correct the bed by using a mirror to redirect the energy. Place a mirror so that when you’re in bed you can see the reflection of the door. A freestanding mirror is even better as it allows you to correct the angle.

  • Check that doors don’t open up directly in line with the bed. If it’s unavoidable, correct it with a feng shui crystal ball

You also want to avoid any doors opening up directly onto any part of the bed. Avoid having your feet point straight out the door. This is often referred to as the “coffin position”.

If the only place for your bed is in line with a door, it can be corrected. You can hang a faceted feng shui crystal ball halfway between the door and the bed.

  • Have a solid wall behind your headboard for support

The head of your bed should be sitting securely against a solid wall. This means that you are supported from the back. I know it may seem like common sense, but I’ve seen people place the beds with the headboard in the middle of the room, or even the whole bed floating in the middle of the room. Always remember, you want the support of a wall behind you. This is so we avoid energy flowing only to us and not going somewhere else.

Second, avoid windows behind the head of the bed if possible. The energy will go outside! This is especially important if you’re on the ground floor or have eye issues. Better to have a solid wall behind you.

  • Avoid placing your bed on the other side of a toilet wall

Avoid sharing your headboard with the wall of the toilet. This means you want to rule out placing your bed on a wall that has the toilet on the other side of it. You don’t want to have a toilet on the other side of the wall from your head.

If it’s not possible, you can place a mirror on the wall above and behind the bed to expand the view of the bedroom beyond. This will energetically erase the toilet.

  • Have space open on both sides of the bed for the adults in the home

For adults, it’s best to have open space on the left and right sides of the bed. I suggest you have at least 18 inches on each side. It’s not ideal to place your bed with one side up against a wall.

The space on both sides allows a balance of your yin and yang, as well as space for each partner (or future partner). If this is not possible, do the best you can to have space on the wall side. You can also place a mirror on the wall that the bed is up next to. This can expand the view of energetically.

For children, it’s okay to have a bed against the wall as it can give them some support.

Author: Zhang Eef

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