What the magician card says about you

Simple Tips on How to Read Tarot Cards

You turned over and it was upright

We think of a magicians as transformers – peeople who perform spells to heal, transform, transmutations and the like. They are able to complete the circuit between heaven and Earth; and bring forth the divine gold within her or himself. The card smbolises the disconnect between the physical and spiritual worlds (“as above, so below”) and the magician being the conduit converting spiritual energy into real-world action.

You have the energy and potential to tap into your skills and manifest your desires. Just like a magician could convert spirtiual energy into real world effect.

You turned over it was Reversed

The Magician card reversed suggests you may be working against your own creativity. That you are not willing to cast the spell that would invoke change. Perhaps you feel that your ideas are too scandalous or too precedent breaking. Perhaps you feel it should be someone else who communicates these insights or challenges. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with taking a leadership position, even a temporary one.

Remind yourself that casting the spell what you have to gain. Have the courage of your convictions, speak the truth and you will be rewarded.

What does this mean for you?

Have faith in your skills and innate creativity. The Magician advises you give your questioning nature and free-associating mind plenty of room to explore the subject at hand. Behave just as if you were an open-minded and curious scientist. Through this process, you may bring freshness and clarity into the situation that is both stimulating and catalytic.

You do not have to understand it all intellectually, your intuition will guide you. React quickly without thinking too much into and be present for what is right in front of you. There is no reason to hold yourself back. Your natural urges are exactly what is needed, and, your ingenuous timing and elegant style will help smooth over any awkwardness.

Author: Zhang Eef

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