When you discover the fool card

The Fool Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck

The Fool Reversed Meaning

You are encountering an unfinished side of yourself, a part in the shadows of either ignorance or immaturity. You could be held back by an emotional event or psychological hang up that stops you from responding authentically and naturally.

Break through the barriers and release yourself from any preconceived ideas or taboos so your natural truthfulness and instinct for right action can be restored.

The Fool Advice Position

The universe advises that you lighten up. Let yourself be spontaneous enough to stretch beyond the rigidity and realm of logic. It can be difficult to loosen up and think that you posses the knowledge, power, or control to direct reality.

Do you feel the need to manage everything that happens in your life? Open and receive without question and try not to decipher any meaning beneath the surface. The Fool has no ambition to manipulate a specific outcome. You should be happy to be part of the whole.

Release any expectations and take one day at a time. Be present in the moment and give your complete undivided attention to events in front of you

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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