Improving every day – Bodyweight

I am compounding my progress 1% everyday. How do you ensure that this is done for diet purposes?

Keep stats i.e. your body weight. Everyday you shall weigh yourself in the morning at the same time. Either after you pee or right after before you take food. This will ensure consistency in your measurements. You will get greatly different results if you were to weight yourself right in the morning before breakfast and then the next time right after a big dinner. It is like using two different rulers.

Work towards a target. Pick your average weight loss per week and then extrapolate to your desired weight. This is how long on average it will take you to lose weight. If you have no idea how long you will take it sets unrealistic expectations and may cause you to lose hope in losing weight.

Be healthy and at a minimum align with female ideals of men. We all look at the rock, arnold schwarz and aspire to their physiques. But in reality this is what is popular with men. If you watch Arnold move you can see that he is slow and awkward looking. Why do you think it is that the terminator moves like a robot?

The feminine ideal is actually akin to Brad Pitt in the fight club. Slim with muscle visible. From an evolutionary perspective we presume this is what hunters looked like. They were still able to move and fight and did not have excess demands in caloric intake. Arnold would not have been able to keep himself fed back in the day!

So next time you think that you are getting too small, just ask the opinion of the opposite sex, you may find a different answer to how you view yourself.

Work on the external rotations. If you are like me, you sit in front of the computer alot and as such you may have internally rotated shoulders and bad posture. This makes you look alot skinner and more downtrodden than you would believe. Fix your posture and your skinny self will still look good!

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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