bias towards action

recent naval clubhouse he raised good points, from Ray Dalio principles, and also from the way to love Anthony DeMello

  • have a bias towards action. The people he knows that are most successful are those that go outside and do the work. They do not let their fear of failure or dissapointment hold them back. They do not suffer from analysis paralysis where people spend all this time researching without dipping their toe in.
  • from Ray Dalio. Do and then correct. experience is much quicker than reading and reading about the item. Research a tad, do the activity and then take the lessons learnt
  • momenti mori. Put your life into perspective and realise that you may die anytime. With this knowledge in mind, savour the day that you have and appreciate those around you. Death is a part of life and in this modern world it is easy to be disconnected from this reality
  • do things because you enjoy doing it. Holding yourself back because of judgement is to allow the other person have control of you. A stranger totally paralysing holding you down and tying you up.