A book review from the other side – Men are from Mars. Woman are from Venus

This book was recommended to me by a female friend. After reading it – I believe it helped her navigate the world of relations of the opposite sex. It is written by John Gray who is a self help author. In the wiki he puts forth that his divorce prior to writing the book caused him to re-evaluate his relations with the opposite sex.

How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have: A ...

I briefly skimmed through it found points that I agree with – but without any context. Just that this is the way things are and this is how the other person thinks. There is no reasoning for the people from Venus or Mars, this is how they are.

Now without giving reasons for the way things are – this book would be more appealing to Women. As men, we need a possible reason for how things are, it is in our nature (this is not really written into the book).

To save you time, here are the points the book

  • Men and women are different
  • Men like caves… and women like to talk
  • Men need to do something, to be ‘valued’ and women like to be ‘listened to’
  • Be more caring and understanding .. (like what the media tells us)

My 2c – Really, it all boils down to emotional intelligence and solipcism. We always project how we would react onto how others behave. We should always respond rather than predict and see what another person does rather than the way act.

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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