Do you notice these signals in daily life

Ever hear the saying “where there’s smoke there is a fire?”. We see the smoke and therefore conclude that there must be a fire somewhere. The signal is the smoke and the fire is its cause.

This is the same with systems and individuals. When a person has caught a cause we observe the symptons of running nose, sore throat and a temperature. When we see a broken system like a vending machine, we see indentations on the machine, stuck drinks, and possible isolated location.

We do the same with the personality of a person (subconciously). These are the attributes which are signals to other people to guess the type of person you are.

  1. Height – Confidence and power. Always something primal about look up at someone and who is bigger than you
  2. Respect from others – If you are respected with the people you are with (and the look normal) then that will obviously reflect on you
  3. Muscles – If you take care of the body then again that is a fitness indicator and also in this day and age the dicipline to attain them
  4. Fashion – Can be wearing expensive clothes/watch (noveau-rich) or be in a suit/uniform (positions of power)
  5. Facial shape – assymetry and strong jaw signal high testosterone
  6. Body work – tattoos will always have a place in society and usually this conveys someone on the fringe of society, currently either a badass or a hipster.

It is these signals that people pickup when they mention someone is handsome or like a particular person. It is the perceived idea based upon the persons history (whether you make a case that this is caused by society norms or by biology).

Case in point in the anglosphere asians are viewed as quiet and afriad of confrontation. But a asian with muscles, tall and a strong chin in normal clothes will still be viewed as attractive by members of the female sex. I think the primal idea is the bedrock and taps into emotions more than the fact that this person is asian.

Behaviour is also a signal which provides information to the opposite sex – a man who is not afraid to approach woman, or knows what to do signals that this man has options reinforces the idea that there is value.

In conclusion, we can continually improve the signals that we ‘leak’ out of a body. Some of them you may not even know that you are doing. Like every company it is important to track your results to copy/photos/style and illicent feedback from your customers. Without doing will lead you to wasting time, money and effort on things that don’t matter.

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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