Who is the most important person in your life? The answer will suprise you

The most important person in your life is yourself – and you should try to talk yourself up more.

Is your mind full of self doubt and worry about the negative effects of your actions? Think about the positive as well.

We spend so much effort and time to control what other people think of us. This is a mental burden on your mental faculities and lends itself to second guess yourself. You set your behaviours on how they may think… and in that way you are falling into their frame

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Are you afraid to approach a lady?

You are thinking ahead of the game – I want this lady to like me and I don’t want to be rejected. However, we forget some other facts that we know and rely on the feeling beforehand

  1. Not everyone likes us from first impressions and we don’t need them to. This is a fact of life. Everyone is different and so to think that everyone likes you is just plain ridiculous
  2. The person is having a bad day. She may just be plain not receptive of unsolited attention, she might have had some jerk approach beforehand. This are variables on the night that we do not know. She could have a boyfriend.
  3. That you will pick her up. Even if she is receptive at first from first impressions, the thought that you will have 100% strike rate in getting these fickle girls number is a stretch. We put this as not 100%
  4. There is no Loss for being overconfident. It is an assymetric decision that you can make.

Hence with these facts in our mind we should remind ourselves prior to saying hello to a chick

  1. We are practicing our awkward muscle of say hello. For all practice there is only learning, if we get her number this is bonus points
  2. We are never their to pick up. The mental thought process should be meet new people. This includes guys as well. Talk to everyone you meet and this will get easier as the night progresses as you are just there to have a good time.
  3. I remember reading that if you were to tell a person that they won 1mil dollars would you be hesitant to go up to the person and talk to them? No, then it should be the same with the people you meet. Your mere presence provides the ‘value’ to others. People will have their own ‘filters’ to sort the gold from the chaff.
  4. You will not have a 100% success rate, not everyone will like you. However in the interest of positive energy, everyone will generally be nice about it. There is little downside with being all happy and huge downside if you rub people the wrong way in these worlds.

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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