Life is short

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There are many ways to view life and i think looking on the bright side is always the better option. Asymetry.

We always have a dialogue within ourselves and impose our thoughts on other people and not by overtly critical. Life is not perfect and we are overly critical of others. Instead I should be focusing on what is good – not what is bad. This will change my mental outlook when I am speaking to people because of my solipsism i think they are also critical of me.

We cannot control people’s reaction so it is better to man and disrupt their frame.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona Film Locations

In the film Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), Javier Bardem’s Character “Life is short, Life is dull, life is full of pain and this is a chance for something special”

This is another way of phrasing YOLO, but notice that this frame makes you feel a whole lot more spiritual and I think would have a higher chance of success. Javier personifies is the confident artistic charasmatic archetype that is different from the cookie-cutter corporate drones. He is seen as warm and passionate.

We compare this frame to that of logical reasoning – “We should try all things in life so why not.” Notice how this sentence is not persuasive at all. Cold logical reasoning does not sell. We can see this with Vicky’s rebuttal.

I also notice rewatching the clip is to share inspiration, joy and not focus on the bad feelings. “ll show you around the city and we will eat well. we’ll drink good wine and we’ll make love”

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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