Best Ramen in Sydney

  1. Ippudo (4/5) 298 reviews
  2. Kura Japanese Restaurant (4/5) 159 revies
  3. Chaco Ramen 4.5/5 (76 reviews)
  4. Maki and Ramen 5/5 (6 reviews)
  5. Rising Sun Ramen 4/5 (88 reviews)

Ratings by trip advisor

Naruto's ramen by Saamy-antha on DeviantArt

Slurp slurp slurp. What can I hear? Long thick al dente strands of carbs coated with a thin layer of soup as they scooped up into your mouth. It is like a conveyer belt, strands of noodles slowly being sucked into the mouth, down down into the deep belly of the body.

The conveyer stopping only to reset the taste buds with a slices of pork or bamboo shoots. Delicately reseting the buds on the tongue to turn on that conveyer belt again.

Gumshara – thick soup but atmosphere is lacking. This isn’t the ramen store where they yell out your name everytime you enter

Ippudo – Dependable buy lacking charachter. Transport yourself to Japan

Ramen Zundo – Nice interior. Good food.

Money has little to do with happiness

“Money doesn’t make you happy.

I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million”

– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Pin on Cash and Money Motivation

I always viewed that more money will mean a better ‘happier’ life. But this is middle class thinking. It is a common misconception about money that more of it will make you happier. This is because we have never experienced a substantial surplus, and are in a constant struggle to survive, believing money won’t make you happier is a tough sell.

This is a limiting belief for you to enjoy your life. The things with money is assymetrical, up to a certain point more money just means better things. Once you cover your basic needs, excess money will not make you happier, and every rich person knows it.

You don’t get rich to get happier; you get rich for the more freedom and things that you can do. You are able to control your time (not having to work a 9-5 job because you need to pay off the house). It’s like being hungry everyday and barely getting enough food, and suddently you wake up to a buffet.

It’s great for the first few days, and then you remove that scarcity mindset. You eat whatever is presented to you. However, after some time it becomes boring, you start getting fat, and you start being selective to what you eat. Because your body (time) can only receive so much per day.

Ask yourself this question – are you epecting money to give you more opportunities and freedom or make you happy?

The 10 things that i’ll be abe to do as a millionaire that you can’t do now are:

  • Travel overseas more often and maybe live there (spanish speaking countries)
  • Doing bjj every week
  • Socialise with rich people (why can’t i do that now… )
  • Have meals prepared for me according to macros (and planned)
  • Having a cleaner in
  • Live in a penthouse by myself
  • Trying different restaurants with nice food
  • Going out and not worrying about the budget

So really, there is not much of a want for me – it is mainly material possessions and what they represent. The belief of rich people. Having the ability to do whatever you want is alot more important than what you wear or what you do for a living.

Playing the status games leads to a larger denominator that doesn’t really add to another peron’s comparison. Remember that people do not always think alike with you – and you should make the proposal and let them reject you. It is alot easier than second guessing yourself.

My personal year in review 2020

5 Financial Resolutions to Start 2020 Off Right | The ...

I feel that I end the year in a better position than last. The first 6 months of the year was an unproductive blur and I wasted time. It is always the same demons that haunt me from achieving my goal. Let’s take a look at things that I did differently this year.

Bodyweight 90kg 15% body fat. I did cut down to ~14% body fat this year, however this was at 86kg – which made me look extremely skinny. I have decided that I will fill in the niche of being the big guy with guns. I feel that this will be better for my career (leadership) and dating life. Think Thor with a bit of a belly.

I have learned that it is important to maintain proportion – and for a big guy that this means building up the arms. The limbs are so long that the arms look proportionally thin. And even with a chest, the look is still skinny. And of course, most of the time I am wearing a shirt, so better to project how I look 90% of the time.

The goal for 2021 is to build those arms!

Dating. We did have COVID this year and I was a in a bit of a funk in the beginning of the year. I would say 9 months of the year were a bust. And it only in the last 3 months that I been getting back my mojo. Again there was only two new people that I saw.

Just go out there and be open. Again if there is someone I find attractive to state my intentions – no one is going to give me shit for doing something about it.

Job 100k. Call it a bust this year. No advancement and I didnt really hit any of my goals that I set forth myself. Next year will need to improve greatly. The lessons learnt is to set some targets for the job and systems so I can better apply myself and improve. Too much of my spare time at work was spent browsing the internet looking at shopping, rental places and random things to improve my productivity.

Spend less time trying to improve and just do the work.

Business. I have again taking small steps at the end of the year. However again, there is not enough doing and too much reading. The lessons learnt is to start of small and fail. Learn from your mistakes and do again. Only reading feels like I am accomplishing without doing anything!

I gain the dopamine reward without doing anything of value. Again start doing and less thinking.

Marketing/selling. Some improvement towards the end of the year. Again the familiar problems. I need to not be afraid of putting myself out there and letting people decide – rather than my closing up shop and deciding myself. Similar situations with the friend who can only release and reveal his true thoughts when drunk.

Putting an emotionally filter is alot of work, and all you will be viewed as is the quiet person.

2020 – The year in review global trends

This year has been a timultulous year – COVID and then its after effects changing the way we live, work and socialise. In this post i look at what has happened and think of what could happen in the future. as always i will try to look at things via negativa. That is predict the future not with addition, but with subtraction.

How To Work From Home: Life Kit : NPR
IS working from home the new norm?

Needing to be in the office to work – I think this will continue next year and there will be acceptance for people to work away from home. This will mean less revenue for businesses that depend on office workers and shutter them.

Less human interactions – this is already happening and with the increase of internet. There will be more forum reading, online msging going on in the future. We are already seeing the younger generation are having less sex than ever before.

More time on the internet means the rise of the alternative internet meme generation. Ideas will spread more quickly and people from different parts of the world will become more similar (less diverse).

Less retail – Online shopping is a whole lot easier and hassle free than going to the shopping centre. It is also cheaper for the consumer as the overheads of staff and storefront and removed.

Continual divisions – the algorithms of big tech ensure that you are provided ads, videos and information that align with your beliefs and with which you want to see. These details can only get better with time as more data and improvements are made. Expect a world containing people with extremely different views, using different data sources as their backup.

Currency debasement – I beleive the US increased M2 money supply by 20% this year. With the number of assets remaining the same, that means your money will be worth less. Supposedly the US has dug itself into a hole – and will remaining printing more money in the next few years. Think of an melting icecube, staying in cash (usually a safe choice) is a certain 15% haircut each year. Australia will have to start doing the same unless it wants to have 80c to the dollar and reduce export competitiveness.

Are we witnessing the fourth turning – currency debasement, less loyalty to country, the rise of the soverign individual. The effects of the information age is upon us. Manufacturing is no longer the workhorse that powers the economy – but the exchange of information. We witness the economy function 6+ months with people working from home. Some people were actually more productive!

The only ways this moves is forward. Of course the usual premiums will be needed and can’t be delivered; Walkable green space, services (doctor, gym etc) and socialising spaces if not at home. Therefore these are the items that will still be in demand in the future.

Do you notice these signals in daily life

Ever hear the saying “where there’s smoke there is a fire?”. We see the smoke and therefore conclude that there must be a fire somewhere. The signal is the smoke and the fire is its cause.

This is the same with systems and individuals. When a person has caught a cause we observe the symptons of running nose, sore throat and a temperature. When we see a broken system like a vending machine, we see indentations on the machine, stuck drinks, and possible isolated location.

We do the same with the personality of a person (subconciously). These are the attributes which are signals to other people to guess the type of person you are.

  1. Height – Confidence and power. Always something primal about look up at someone and who is bigger than you
  2. Respect from others – If you are respected with the people you are with (and the look normal) then that will obviously reflect on you
  3. Muscles – If you take care of the body then again that is a fitness indicator and also in this day and age the dicipline to attain them
  4. Fashion – Can be wearing expensive clothes/watch (noveau-rich) or be in a suit/uniform (positions of power)
  5. Facial shape – assymetry and strong jaw signal high testosterone
  6. Body work – tattoos will always have a place in society and usually this conveys someone on the fringe of society, currently either a badass or a hipster.

It is these signals that people pickup when they mention someone is handsome or like a particular person. It is the perceived idea based upon the persons history (whether you make a case that this is caused by society norms or by biology).

Case in point in the anglosphere asians are viewed as quiet and afriad of confrontation. But a asian with muscles, tall and a strong chin in normal clothes will still be viewed as attractive by members of the female sex. I think the primal idea is the bedrock and taps into emotions more than the fact that this person is asian.

Behaviour is also a signal which provides information to the opposite sex – a man who is not afraid to approach woman, or knows what to do signals that this man has options reinforces the idea that there is value.

In conclusion, we can continually improve the signals that we ‘leak’ out of a body. Some of them you may not even know that you are doing. Like every company it is important to track your results to copy/photos/style and illicent feedback from your customers. Without doing will lead you to wasting time, money and effort on things that don’t matter.

Tips on business from the richest man in the world

Jeff Bezos the latest tech billionaire to flex his muscles | The New Daily

Below are quotes from Amazon CEO and one of the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos

Time and focus

“Life’s too short to hang out with people who aren’t resourceful.”

“What’s dangerous is not to evolve.”

Test and retest

“It’s not an experiment if you know it’s going to work.”

 “If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness.” 

“If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.” 

“Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on details.”

Look upon the positives

“The common question that gets asked in business is, ‘why?’ That’s a good question, but an equally valid question is, ‘why not?’”

Focus on what you can provide to customers

“Obsess about customers, not competitors.”

 “If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.”

“There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.”

“Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient.”

How you can achieve more – Actions over theory

How to Read More Books - Benefits of Reading
Do you like to research and read alot of books about a topic?

Do you like to read? Have you read many books?

A Jeff Bezos quotes comes to mind – If you know 70% of what to do jump in. By the time it gets to 100% you are already too late.

Continual research will kill your gains. Instead of trying to be a perfect (100%) on your first go – think about taking a shot, adjusting and then taking another. Guaranteed this will be faster (iterations with feedback) process rather than looking, researching and waiting for the one.

To be 100% perfect is irrational – nothing is perfect. And will make you only take on those sure things. And sure things usually have very small and little upside.

If you want to start a business – start selling items. And then see what works, what needs to be done and then do it again. If it works for machine learning, it shall work for you.

If you want to get a gf – start talking to women. Check your interactions and then come 6sigma it on how to do better.

If you want to be fit – start going to the gym and picking up something heavy. Continual research on the best technique will kill your gains!

Now obviously what you will encounter is those small minor adjustments may be micro plays and not a large contributor to your success. Going to the gym you may wonder whether the chest flys are working for you when you cannot even bench your body weight!

My discussion with a senior manager over a beer – some insights

Premium Photo | Two friends drinking beer and talking about some topic at  the balcony in summer

Senior manager was in the IT web based development role however this will apply to all organisation and project based work. I think it is always beneficial to know the problems/challenges those above you are facing.

On Hiring People – I check whether they can do the job and then their approach to problems. It is better to choose someone with the right attitude than introduce a bad egg into the team. The bad egg will drag everyone else down in the team.

On culture – this is important to keep an open door so everyone is free to speak with you. Able to provide you with more information to make choices. Also have informal catch ups monthly with persons to keep people updated in the company, direction and any comments they may have. This provides you with information you might now have known. Everyone works in Silos which results in duplication or incompatibility.

On managing deadlines – this is related to managing expectations. If something is due by such date see whether you can achieve with the time and resources available. If not it is time to prioritise the tasks and take resources away from other areas. If a deadline is not being achieve, you need to take steps to find out why or work towards it.

On completing work – Better to have the work from those underneath you to be 80% than 100% with you neglecting your important duties. The purpose of a manager is to delegate work and have the higher functions tended to. If the staff’s work is not up to scratch then training or replacement is needed.

On staff not performing – Put them on notice and monitor their output on some regular schedule. Either they will improve or lower. It is best to understand the reason for their underperformance and provide consideration (some work flexibility, training). But at the end of the day they need to be able to manage their affairs and do their job

On employees with children – does not matter as long as they can do their job

The sovereign individual – my takeaways from this great book

The Sovereign Individual Audiobook by James Dale Davidson ...

This is a book written in 1997 about the future – and it has been suprisingly accurate. Now, the author may have been lucky with his predictions but it was also useful to have a another vantage point of the future. And the author, James Dale Davidson, brings up many good points that we should take into account in our decision making.

Talks about cycles in human civilisation and the current cycle is started by the invention of the internet. The internet allows the connection and remote production of invdividuals. No longer are they bound by where they are. Therefore, this has a profound effect on governments – because now people have choice.

Systems change slowly over time and only until there is a sharp breaking point (sudden inflexion) do we know that it was heading to disaster. In the case of Rome, how can we pinpoint where it ended. We can see the times when the emperors fell but actually the line of emperors beforehand were paying lip service to the status quo. Only going through the motions – electing civil officials for 1 year, christianity as the state religion, etc.

The book was written in 1997 and 20 years later many of its predictions have come true; cybercurrency (bitcoin), massive printing by governments (2020), the rise of developing economies and the reduction of USA, the effect of the cybereconomy vs china.

Do we look at the current world power – USA and note that there are some details which show the self-serving nature of those in charge and the behind the scene groups driving their own agenda? It certainly looks like things are moving in ONE direction and the trump administration may be seen as either a sign to right the ship or the continual decline.

The book points out that you can never make out what leads to the fall of rome at the time (confirmaiton bias), and it was only after the effect do you attribute reasons for the downfall. The based on the result, if a captain was controlling and pushed the team and won the game – he would be seen as a brilliant leader. However, if the captain lost the game he could be seen as a little-napolean giving those underneath him little room to move.

thinking about the control of government in economic rather than political terms. Three basic alternatives with different set of incentives: propietors, employees and customers. Proprietor – a hereditary leader who for all internets and purposes owns the country. E.g Brunei. Proprieters set the price (tax) and the people have no choice due to monopolization of violence.

Government controlled by its employees would seldom have incentives to either reduce goverment costs or the price charged to their customers. However, where conditions impose strong price resistance, in the form of opposition to higher taxes, the goverments controlled by employees would be more likely to let their revenues fall below their outlays then cut back outlays (spending). the incentive is for inclined toward chronic deficits.

Government controlled by its customers would have incentives to reduce their operating costs as far as possible while delivering the minimum. This is because of competition (from other governments). Examples include medieval merchant republics (like venice) who needed protection provided by the government. They did not seek to profit from their control of government’s monopoly of violence. A goverment controlled by its customers sets tax rates not to opimize the amount the government can collect but rather to optimise the amount that they customers can retain.

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