The place where people think about death daily

Bhutan's dark secret to happiness | Washingtonian Post

You would be suprised but they are the happiest people on Earth. In Bhutanese culture, one is expected to think about death five times a day. And this is their secret to happiness. Pretty remarcable isn’t it?

How often do we think about death

We live in a civilised society. The thought of dying is an aspect in our distant future. something that will happen some day – but not today.

When was the last time you were exposed to the concept of death – touched a dead body, fresh wounds, rotten things. But this is part of the human condition

Would you act differently if today was your last day to live? How would you choose to live your life if there was no tomorrow? We do not think about death at all.

The comfort of the developed world

Death for the most part is a statistic or something shown on the evening news. We see results of it, but never is it linked to our being. We go through life thinking about the mundane things – What should I eat for lunch, this person is being annoying, did you hear what happened yesterday?

Life is about relative states. We cannot feel water if it is the same temperature as our body. We do not enjoy food if we are stomachs are empty. I believe we cannot enjoy life without thinking about death. The eventual end of our state.

Confronted with the end we will recognise what we truly care about. Visiting family, friends. Putting yourself out there on front of the stage. We all may take different paths in life, but we all start and end in the same place.

What does this do for me

Thinking about death provides perspective and contrast.

you will take fear and realise that you have not long for this world. Life is short and full of pain. Why not have a chance to do something enjoyable.

Think about times when you only have 40% battery left on your laptop. You have to do what you need to do and make haste.

Death is the final deadline, and as readers may know, deadlines put a rush and pressure to get things done. Funny how the mind works like that.


“If you are not aware of death, you will not be mindful of your practice, but will just spend your life meaninglessly, not examining what sorts of attitudes and actions perpetuate suffering and which ones bring about happiness.” — Dalai Lama

Closing thoughts

Life is short. Egg yourself on knowing that you are not long for this world.

Inspiration drawn from In Bhutan, People Think About Death 5 Times a Day

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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