2 tips to help you save time by making quicker decisions


We waste alot of our time and mental effort worrying about things that we cannot change or that are small and insignficant in our life path.

Which shirt to choose, do people think we’re good enough, does she likes me, or how to solve this problem.

We need to realise that not all decisions are the same and are of equal weight. Some decisions are life changers and should have a great deal of time, whilst others are insignificant and should be done over quick.

Eg. Buying a house ($1 mil) should not be a 2hr decision, when you take 20 minutes to buy a shirt ($50). The cost to time ratio is out of proportion. Buying that house should be longer and the shirt quicker.


Two ways which I am using which i will share with you is:

1/ Reframe the problem

Is this a priority? Compare it to the greater scheme. Life is too short. This scene in VCB shows Javier Bardem using this technique to reduce the reluctance of Christina to come. Life IS short so why not, or for Gen Z YOLO.

2/ Can you change it and what is the impact on your life?

You watch the news, and have long heated discussion about politics with your friends. And whilst is good to find like-minded people, your discussion will not lead to further actions. What was the point? Waste of time

We spend countless hours worrying about this/that and what other people think. You have no control over that. The archetype of confident man is one who does whatever he wants and lets other people react. To be antifragile is to learn how to respond to peoples reactions.

It is easier to follow your principles then worry about your micro decisions daily. You are one who is not afraid to do what he wants (within boundary) and can take what he wants.

Occasions where this occurs

  • Crafting the best replies  (eg women, contracts). I am not in charge of the other persons reaction so i am more antifragile if i learn to respond to their reactions.
  • What other people think if I do this (call and ask, ask to do this). Same as above.
  • Trying to convince people who are comfortable (Life is too short – what is the point of educating someone who does not need it, how does this benefit me if this persons offers nothing in return)


Use these two tips to save time making decisions and have more fun time. There is a diminishing return for the same decision making and this should be avoided.

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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