EZE Airport

Airport in good condition, i would say the terminal is fairly new with expansion underway. There was decent enough food options airside and lots of space.

3 options for travelling to the city


  • Uber pickup is outside the terminal in Parking lot B. This is okay because there is wifi outside the terminal. This is near the Tien Lianda bus. Cost was 700 ARS to the city. a taxi from the city costs 700-900 ARS. Note the driver needs to pay tolls each way that seem to be in the vicinity of 100ARS (50+50) each way.
  • Upon review of the Uber app seems there is a pool of cars waiting for airport pickups so you wouldn’t have to take too long. I waited for 5 minutes only


  • Takes 45 minutes to the city and then you have to wait for a transfer from the office. Takes 1.15hrs. I took this option first and it seemed too take a long time. The price was the same as taking an Uber ~700ARS. Note that the first bus to the city is at 5am, so if you are arriving earlier you will need to wait.

Booked Taxi

  • Shopping around helps with pricing quoted 30USD and 25 USD

Public Transportation

  • Number 8 Bus. The travel to my Hotel was clocked in at 4hrs through google map directions. I did not attempt this route

Withdrawing money

  • There is an HSBC atm in the terminal. However atm fees are steep, costing roughly 10USD

Areas available to sleep

  • Top of Terminal A there is an area where people seem to sleep

International Transfer

  • Upon arrivals, it looks like you will need to go upstairs to go through the transfer. This requires you to pass through security check but not requiring you to pass through immigration. Seemed generally efficient and this could be done in 30mins

Author: Zhang Eef

Soviet Russia is a hard place. I will teach you thoughts and learning's to survive

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