Martial Arts

Humans have evolved over thousands, millions of years to become what we are today. The development of settlements and then civilisations coming only in the last two millennium, and the information age coming into the last two hundred years.

Our evolution started from animals (Darwins theory of evolution) and we still share some of the parts. Lizard brains, coping mechanism, psychology and heuristics have developed to provide survival to humans.

Last two hundred years we have delveoped technologies to minimise labourous work and automate things. We are expanding our capability and moving onto higher tier informational work. The problem is: our body hasn’t had the time to adapt to these advancements.

The life cycle of a human is 80 years – the technological advancements we’ve made in 80 years in huge. We are a primitive vessel in the modern digital age.

Modern day mismatches to overcome. We are looking to apply systems and not end goals

  1. The day would begin with looking for food. Skip breakfast and fast until lunch, practice leangains method
  2. The food we eat was fresh and perishable. Eat whole foods and cook in traditional methods. Processed foods have lots of additives that are deemed ‘safe’ in people. However we do not know their long term effects and impacts on our body.
  3. Day-day involved lots of physical activity. day in day our time is dominated sititng in front of the computer to do work. After work, lessen the amount of computer use. Continue with the gym and practising BJJ.
  4. Hunters wold focus on their prey. Multi-tasking is a pipe dream, our brains have not evolved to be multi-core processes, we cannot simply concentrate on two tasks at once. Remove distractions from your workplace



Saigon (HCMC)

In a months time I travel to Saigon, to the birthplace of my parents and where my grandparents grew up.

My family history traces through the site.

wikipedia says

  • Signing of the Convention of Peking allowing the rights for Chinese to seek employment overseas British and French territories.
  • The french allowed chinese because they would stimulate trade and industry
  • Between the 1870s and 1890s, some 20,000 people settled in Cochinchina. This was % of the population at that time
  • Another 600,000 arrived in the 1920s and 1930s because of the fighting and economic instability of the Chinese civil war
  • chinese civil war started in 1927 and was fought between the KMT and communists
  • The Chinese left through the open ports of Shantou, ???
  • It has been calculated that some 2.5 million emigrants left Shantou in 1880–1909. Source
  • During the second Sino-Japanese War (1937–45), the port was seriously damaged by Japanese bombardments in 1938 and was captured by the Japanese in 1939, remaining in their hands until 1945.
  • World war II in the 1939-1945
  • Japan invaded Indochina September 1940. Reached an agreement with vichy french
  • March 1945 Japan took over complete control from Vichy France
  • Vietnam Civil War
  • Migration abroad, United States, Australia and Canada
  • Grandmother father side – From Shantou to Saigon when young ~10 years old
  • Grandfather father side
  • Grandmother mother side – From Phnom Penh to Saigon when young???
  • Grandmother father side

What was life in Vietnam like during that time. To be further continued.

What I want to do while in Saigon

  1. Take pictures of Daily life to imagine what life would have been like
  2. find historical and important places during the time